Cognition in Ancient Greek Philosophy and its Reception: Interdisciplinary Approaches
The Conference will focus on the mechamisms, cognitive, emotional, psychic, in generall, or psycho-somatic, neurological and neurobiological through which cognition is achieved. We host papers that will focus on the interaction between
soul and body, or intellect and emotions, during the process of cognition. The Conference will include important issues and participations that will approach the subject from the perspective of neurosciences. The papers are representative
of different philosophers and periods, from pro-Platonic and Classical Antiquity to Late Antiquity.
Dates of the Conference: May, 24-25, 2023
Organization: The Conference is organized by Melina G. Mouzala under the auspices of the Department of Philosophy of the University of Patras and the Research Committee of the University of Patras
The Conference will be held on line.
Important Dates: March 10, 2023: Please send your abstract by this date The abstracts will be published on the Conference website prior to the Conference
e-mail address: May 24-25, 2023: Upatras Conference